Friday, May 28, 2010

The World of Wikis

When I first logged into Wikipedia, I found that my district has a site titled Pasco County Schools. I went to this site and updated the number of schools in the county for the 2010-2011 School Year based on the current listing on our district website. I also added in the two new elementary schools for next year.

Then, I created my own Wiki for the school I will be working at next year. It is a brand new school for the 2010-2011 school year and it opens this summer! Now, all of the Odessa Elementary teachers and administrators can log in and add information as the summer progresses and we anxiously await the opening of our school. The welcome page includes the induction of our mascot, school colors and a list of our growing family.

For the additional page, I created an "images" page with a Flickr widget that shows all of our school pictures from beginning to current construction. This way we can all keep track of how our school is progressing!

Through the use of Moodle in my classroom, my students have used a Wiki to create an encyclopedia of all the places we have visited on our United States Regions Tour. However, I
have not created a Wiki for use by educators. I enjoyed "playing" in wikispaces and I think this will be a fun way for teachers to learn about Wikis as they log in to add their name to the list of Odessa Wildcats and watch a slideshow of the construction taking place on our new school!

1 comment:

  1. Your wikis are very interesting! I can't believe you're going to begin at a brand new school next year...your creation of a wiki for your new school is a great idea.
