Saturday, August 14, 2010

End of Course Reflection

Over the course of this semester, I have learned more about effective teaching strategies that are essential when integrating technology. First, I think it is important to create an environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and making mistakes. Learning with technology is not seamless- there are bound to be bumps in the road. If students feel comfortable in their environment, they will be more willing to problem solve when problems arise. This allows students to take ownership over their learning as they work through their problems. By doing this, they build real world skills as well. I feel a teacher can facilitate this environment by modeling this problem solving behavior. When integrating technology in a lesson, there are bound to be hiccups. This is a perfect time for a teacher to demonstrate that problem solving behavior and approach these hiccups as "part of the process" rather than as an inconvenience.

When integrating web-based technologies, I learned that it is important to first decide what you want students to accomplish before choosing a technology. For example, you must decide if you want them to use the technology for drill and practice, problem solving, exploration or even for acquiring a new (or newer) skill through educational gaming. It is important to have the goal in mind and then find a technology that supports that goal rather than finding a technology and forcing it to fit in to the learning.

One of my goals for this course was to find ways to first look into current educational practice and find a way for technology to be integrated into the solution. As the technology coach for my school, this is essential. A common problem of practice consistent in many schools is the communication. My goal was to use Moodle as a way to give 24 hour access to teachers to important information that has to do with curriculum, standard operating procedures, committees and access to technology tips.

My new goal is to enhance the teaching and learning in our school through technology. Specifically, I would like to see Moodle used more frequently by classroom teachers. I strongly believe that online learning is here to stay and that the education system has to embrace it early. We have already seen some states that have embedded a requirement for online learning into graduation credits. Although this has been set for the middle and high school levels, we will soon see the trickle down effect to elementary. My goal is to encourage teachers to provide these opportunities to their elementary students. This will prepare them for later experiences with online learning.

Technology can transform learning for teachers and for students. The most important lesson I learned this semester is to look for technology that supplements the curriculum rather than the other way around.


  1. At the elementary level in my district - some 5th grade teachers are using Blackboard for posting class announcements and curriculum content. The practice isn't wide spread - however. I'm not sure much is happening at the middle school level. It's mostly used in the high school, where teachers are preparing students for college. Just wondering ~ Were you able to reach your class goal?

  2. Hi Sue! I did meet my goal. I think reading the TechQuests of my group members helped me with this as well. Seeing the other problems of practice and how people solve them make me think more creatively about ways technology can be integrated into differentiated solutions. I am looking forward to being able to participate in Response to Intervention groups this year to be a resource to teachers. I think technology is a great influence on student learning that is rarely used and I can't wait to help teachers get their kiddos on the right track by making technology an accomodation!
